Thursday, May 31, 2018

What is Accounting / Accountancy

Accounting / Accountancy 
*** It is important to know the explanation of Accounting for facing  job interview or university final viva. I am gonna give some explanations which can be memorized for interview. 

1. Generally Accounting means "keeping records of financial transactions". 

2. Accounting is the process of  sorting, classifying , summarizing,  recording financial transactions plus storing & retrieving and presenting the information in various reports and analyses. 

3. It is a systematic process of collection of documents, analyzing those documents,  identifying/checking transactions,  classifying , recording on software,  verifying entries, summarizing, measuring, interpreting and providing financial information to stakeholders. 

It helps to provide statement of profit or loss account for a given period, and the value and nature of an organization's assets, liabilities and owners' equity.

Father of Accounting is Luca Pacioli. In 1494 he published a book on double-entry accounting. He did not invent the system. Instead, he simply described a method used by merchants in Venice during the Italian Renaissance period.